Bragg, Georgia. (2011). How they croaked. New York: Walker & Company.
How They Croaked is book with facts about the deaths of famous people from our history. Some information can be gruesome, while at time also hilarious. This book has a good combination of both. Some of the deaths include Albert Einstein, George Washington, and Julius Caesar. The book also contains interesting facts about the famous figures that they may not have known or anticipated. The author’s crafty and amusing drawings, makes it entertaining to read.
Evaluative Criteria: Style
This book uses style in an interesting way. The author makes the deaths of these famous people more interesting than when they were alive. The way the information is presented causes curiosity to spark. The title alone is intriguing. I was weary about reading this book but I’m glad I did. The facts coupled with the illustrations make for a style all it’s own.
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