Thursday, July 6, 2017

Screencasts, Instagram, and Flipagram

Screencasts, Instagram, and Flipagram

Today I will be discussing Screencasts, Instagram, and Flipagram.  I am going to tell you about my experience with Screencast-o-matic which I used to create a screencast. I will also be talking about Instagram and Flipagram and how to we can use them in our classroom.

A screencast is a digital recording of computer screen output, also known as a video screen capture, often containing audio narration.
Uses for the classroom: This tool is fantastic when trying to present a how-to video. It allows you to visually and verbally explain to students step by step how to use a new app or software.  

I chose to use Screencast-o-matic to create a screencast that showed my students how to access the online library database from home. This program was very easy to use from setting up an account to creating my screencast. I had never created a screencast before so I was a little nervous. This program was very user friendly and I quickly recorded and uploaded my screencast. Here is the screencast I created using Screencast-o-matic.

Instagram is a social networking app made for sharing photos and videos from a smartphone.
I am not much of a photo sharing person. This was the first time I had ever used Instagram. I was a fun and easy way to share pictures. I really liked the app.

Uses for the classroom:  Some suggestions are using Instagram to provide students with a visual for a writing prompt, a way to show evidence of complex ecosystems for a biology class, or to use images that are related to culture being studied in a sociology class. Suggestions are from the Prezi, "Using Instagram in the Classroom”.

Here is the link to my Instagram:

Flipagram is a sharing app that has one sole purpose, to help you make short movies out of your images. Adding captions and music was a plus. Again I like I have said before I’m not one to share pictures, but this was fun to use. I really liked that you could add music to the video. This was very simple to use and the amount of available music was great.  Sharing the video was also easy.

Uses for Classroom: This app reminded me of powerpoint, except a lot a easier and way more fun. The students could create presentations. Students can also create videos of community service projects.

My Flipagram link:

My favorite
My favorite was Flipagram, I really liked how easy it was to create a video using my cellphone pictures. Adding music made the video come alive, I was able to control the speed of the pictures to go along with the music. I could see my students using the amazing app to create wonderful presentations. I can picture using it at end of the year awards assembles to display how the students have grown from the beginning of the year to the end by using the pictures I took all year long.


Flipagram. (2017, May 31). Retrieved July 06, 2017, from

Moore, A. (2012). Using instagram in the classroom. Retrieved from


  1. Mesmi,

    I really liked using Flipagram as well. I found it so easy to use and fun. I can see using this myself and with my students. It would be an easy way to share new materials in the library with students and staff, showcase events happening around the school, and also a great product for students to produce to demonstrate their knowledge of a subject matter. This is an app that I would like to share with my teachers, because I know they will find it to be as user-friendly and fun as I did.

    Becky Sandner

    1. Yes Becky I agree, this is a fantastic resource that will benefit not only the teachers but the students as well. They can create projects and presentations with material they have learned. The staff can utilize it to display what's going on in the classroom as well as outside the class.

  2. Hi, my favorite app to use is also Flipagram. I love to take pictures and share with my family the wonderful memories and moments I captured. Not crazy about using apps just taking pictures. However, it was interesting and fun creating a picture slideshow and adding music, which was my favorite. I love music and it makes a big difference hearing it while looking at pictures. This is a great app to use in the classroom with the students. Thanks for sharing examples using these apps.
